Thanks to the Holy Ghost for He is Working & The RMM
Partners that stands behind the Success & Failures. RMM UPDATES. 07.03.2014 Reaching Rabhas for Christ……..
CPM among Rabhas: Since Rabhas emerged from Animisms, they Consider Christianity as Garo Religion. But RMM taught them Jesus is for Rabhas. RMM Team
never directly reach Gospel to them, only selected Rabha Church Planters fulfilled their respective assignments in the Villages. This young Lady Robita, she is looking after these 3 villages. Garomara, Pesapara, Tarakhona. This area is called Sector II, they have 8 Families and 32 Believers , RMM is expecting to see 24 families & 64 Believers by 2015. When needed, RMM team invites teachers and gives them Training. Praise be to Our God. By Horeswar.
Since the main culture of CPM is to go to the New Fields. Stealing sheaves is not God’s Character. This is Brother Umin Rabha, He
met Gopinat Rabha a victims of witchcraft attacked on 19th March 2014, Bro Umin who is very jealous for Jesus shares about His Love, Dead on the Cross and Resurrection. Bro Gopinat accepted Christ as His saviour , instantaneously he was Healed from his sickness. Then He called His neighbors and witness Jesus is Lord, then the House fellowship began to exists. Bro Umin depart that village and handed over to Robita & Digombor another RMM Rabha Church Planter and went to Doshima area, Sector V. The Villages he covers are Maladhara, Ketikibari, Hatigaon. Now they have 8 families & 27 members, RMM is expecting to see 16 families 54 members by 2015. JJ never take any credit to individuals, its not a one man battle.We as the gives all Glory to almighty God. the men of God comes twice a year to India and waters over both RMM Garo Partners & Rabha Church Planters Team. We mainly follows Romans 15:20, Some of the Believers have been snatched away by other Mision Movements, we gives glory for them also and Hopes to see all Believers in New Jerusalem. Other Activities of RMM: RMM Garo Core Team Partners’ meets every month, General Body meet once Bimonthly, so also Rabha Church Planters Team every month and General Rabha Body meets once Bi monthly. We have Whole Night Prayers, Fasting & Prayers, according to the guidance of the holy Spirit. By Khanin
Prayer Requests:
# Pray for Khanin and RMM team for better coordination with all partners
# Pray for Horish Rabha so that strong Rabha RMM team be built up.
# Pray for the growth of the New souls &
Pray to overcome over all Persecutions.
# RMM Partners’ Whole night Prayer. 28.4.2014
# Successfull Linguistic Workshop & Training in the month May/June 2014.
Psalms 2: 8 Says,
“ Ask of Me….. I will give you….”
Editor & Publisher Khanin D Momin, for RMM